Sunday, September 30, 2007

#9 Finding feeds - it really DOES make life simple.

It's just like Flickr - the more I find out about RSS and setting it up for myself, the more I like it. I have been experimenting with search tools, as well as just going to some of my favourite sites and looking for rss links.
I liked Technorati. I used it locate some blogs on Masons Ironstone China because even though I am no longer using Ebay, my original passion for the china remains. I got a surprising number of results. I think I have found a blog with some genuine enthusiasts, not just a marketplace but time will tell. Along the same theme I ventured back into Ebay to test out the rss possibilities (just for the exercise you understand). I did a harmelss enough search ie. not one that would lead me into temptation, for Masons lids and discovered how easily a rss link for that search could be saved. Using Firefox makes this so easy. So I added that to my bloglines.
I tested Topix. Initially I couldn't quite see how to search but I found it eventually and have set up a feed for "public libraries and catalogues" .I may have to narrow it down more.
I really didn't like Feedster, or maybe I was just doing something wrong. I did a search for feeds on a public figure (whom I have a distant connection with, funnily enough via someone I met on Ebay) but there was no rss link in the results. Eventually, I added it by just copying the url.
I used Google blog search just for testing purposes to see if I could locate one of the Live Journal communities (Australian watchers of House) that my daughter belongs to, and it did, so I think this would be a useful tool as well.
And finally, (for the moment anyway)I have added an alert from Library Journal via the ANZ Ref centre database for new articles discussing library software .Very relevant as we have to look for a new LMS soon.

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