Sunday, October 14, 2007

#12 Rollyo - sounds like Rolo to me but I just love chocolate

Did I say last week that I was now a free spirit who was less addicted to her computer? Hmn....Perhaps before I started making searchrolls. I think these are great and would be useful from both a personal point of view and also on the library website.
I asked various members of my family what they might search for regularly. One suggested art works, and the other who is interested in health gave me some good medicines sites. And following the self-indulgent food theme, I made a recipe finder, just in case there was something I couldn't track down in one of my cookbooks! (142 on Library Thing at last count.)
The challenge, especially with the artworks, was to choose the right part of the site to locate the desired data eg. images, recipes, whatever, and not extraneous material. This perhaps goes against what the Rollyo site said about going to the top of the domain always, but I think it is more useful. You can do a test search yourself - see black link on the right.
Library websites could offer some of the customised searches for users - rather like the pathfinders that we learnt how to build in our library courses.

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