Thursday, October 25, 2007

Byway without the Blog

So I'm home from work feeling less than healthy but I thought I should just pay a bill and maybe check my work email in case there was anything urgent (the addictive personality never rests) and all of a sudden I'm adding more books onto Library Thing - 223 cookbooks at the last count. And then maybe a little peek at my colleagues blogs when I was sucked in by the clever Flickr slideshow generator I found on Anthony's blog.
So how could I resist adding a live slideshow of more of my china (which may have meant dragging the camera out)..... So gratify me and take a look - its down on the left. I haven't quite worked out how to show the full picture but that's because I have to return to my sickbed with my book (Chameleon's shadow by Minette Walters) which is very gripping by the way.

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