Thursday, October 18, 2007

#14 Technorati trails

I had already stumbled across Technorati or rather it had stumbled over me (see 2 posts ago) but I was amazed to see how extensive the blogosphere was. Technorati seems to be a great tool for mining the wealth of other people's thoughts, knowledge and ideas.
I proudly claimed my blog. I carried out the comparison searching exercise on Library 2.0. The results seem consistent with any keyword vs. more targeted search but what a treasure trove of blogs I found! I restricted myself to adding feeds for only 2 of them but just fancy, quite coincidentally one of them was Helene Blowers. I looked at the adding of Technorati tags stuff but decided it wasn't strictly necessary as my blog had already been sourced on it.
Some great widgets under Tools. I added My Favorites above - you can even search it, and a button suggesting people (which people I'm not sure) add my blog to their "fave" list.
I will use this again when searching for the sort of discussion that you would find on a blog. I am most likely to search the Blog directory for the more dedicated blogs. Must go and add Technorati to my Delicious bookmarks.

1 comment:

Dogsister said...

I stumbled across the Helen Blowers blog too!